Friday, 16 September 2016

Keeping Seisen Online!

At Seisen International School, we are committed to protecting our children, both in and out of school. It is important that we educate the children about how to stay safe in all environments, including when they are online using the internet.

For Parents 

The Parental Control Feature on Mac


If you are an Apple Mac user and your child has access at home or your child is using a Mac device at school, you might like to consider using the Parental Control feature. With this feature enabled parents or guardians are able to control the applications and content your child is able to use and view.
During our Bring Your Own Device information sessions, parents asked about such features and ways in which they could monitor the use of the device, at home and at school. In addition to the pre-installed software, we ask that students use the browser Google Chrome to access Google Apps for Education and their e-Portfolio and we recommend that this browser is installed.
For further information or assistance please do not hesitate to contact the Media Centre Staff.

Some links for further, and more detailed information: 

Privacy and Internet Safety 


Grade 1 - 3 

Grade 4 - 5 

Grade 6 

Middle and High School 

As always if you would like further details or you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Media Centre Team.

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